First Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Baptism At the 10 am Mass today we will be baptising Dominic Charles Booth, son of Robin and Petra Booth. Funeral - ElizabethMcCarthy The...
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Bible Study Group Fr Terry would like to organise a Bible Study group on The Grange estate during Lent. If you live there and would like...
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Bible Study Group Fr Terry would like to organise a Bible Study group on The Grange estate during Lent. If you live there and would like...
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Wedding Ask God’s blessing on Nelson Cardoz and Reba D’Souza who were married here yesterday (Saturday 20th January). Funeral – Annette...
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
First Communion 2018 We welcome 31 children who are joining our First Communion group 2018 and starting their preparation for the...
The Epiphany of The Lord (Year B)
First Communion 2018 Our First Communion children start their preparation at 9 am on Sunday 14th January in the parish centre. Wishing...
Third Sunday of Advent (Year B) (Gaudete Sunday) 17th December 2017
Christmas Fair result Fr Terry enthuses: This might be the most successful Christmas Fair ever, in terms of the amount raised. It was a...
Second Sunday of Advent (Year B) 10th December 2017
Anniversary Mass for Sergio and Luigi Castello There is a Funeral Mass place at the 10 am Mass on Monday 18th December. The anniversary...
First Sunday of Advent (Year B) 3rd December 2017
First Holy Communion 2018 We look forward to meeting all parents on Monday 4th December at 8 pm in the parish centre. Please bring a...
Christ the King (Year A)
First Holy Communion 2018 We look forward to meeting all parents on Monday 4th December at 8 pm in the parish centre. Please bring a...