29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 20th Oct 8.30am People of the Parish 10am Paulette Vocanson, RIP 12 noon ...
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 13th Oct 8.30am Carmen and Guilbert Sarthal and family, intentions 10am Jose Barreto,...
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 6th Oct 8.30am Lillian Murphy, RIP 10am People of the Parish 12noon A...
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 29th Sept 8.30am Gerald, Henriette and Zodi, intentions 10 am Peter Kraushar, RIP 12...
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 22.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 22nd Sept 8.30am People of the Parish 10am Katherine Deng and family, intentions...
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 15th Sept 8.30am Lillian Murphy, RIP 10 am Peter Krausher, RIP 12 noon Vincent...
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 08.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 8th Sept 8.30 am Maria Zanelli 10 am Agnes Day, RIP 12 noon Clara...
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 01.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 1st Sept 8.30 am Patrick Jean ‘Noel’ Louis-Auguste, RIP 10 am Joe O’Malley, RIP 12...
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21.07.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 21st July 8.30 am Noel O’Hora, RIP 10 am Maria Merola, RIP 12 noon Diamond,...
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14.07.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 14th July 8.30am Marielle & Phillipe Molette, Gerald Haworth and Zodiak, intentions 10am ...