I sometimes wonder if there is an element of playfulness in the resurrection appearances of Jesus. Certainly there seems to be a touch of...
God Sees Our Wounds
The other day I had a routine blood test. The phlebotomists who take the blood are very skilled. In truth, you hardly feel a thing. I am...
Palm Sunday
All those shouted acclamations, all that waving of palms, all the hosannas - what did it amount to? Jesus was not going to be taken in...
Waiting in Faith
In two of today's readings you will find a theme of loneliness. The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us of the lonely suffering of Jesus, as...
The Light of Love
The theme of darkness and light occurs several times in the gospel according to John, including today's gospel reading (John. 3.14-21). ...
The House of God
Is it wrong to build beautiful churches? Is it a mistake to create lovely sanctuaries for the worship of God? Sometimes you hear this...
Light from Within
Eastern Orthodox icon-painting has aroused a lot of interest in the West recently. It is as if we have finally tired of minimalism, of...
Into the Wilderness
The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness … We find this in Mark 1.12, and to be honest, I find it almost shocking. These words...
Of course I want to!
In some medieval churches in England you can find a hole cut into the stone wall of the church. It will be about a foot high and four to...
Scripture is like a mirror held up in front of the human race. We read the Bible and we see ourselves depicted. Of course, the Bible is...