The story of Zacchaeus climbing the tree because he wants to catch a glimpse of Jesus is an example of the gentle humour of the gospels...
He Who Heals
We spend so much time and thought trying to impress others. To impress them with our clothes, with our good taste, with our intelligence...
It always sad when people use the name of God to justify war. It seems that for centuries people have been justifying war by saying that...
First story: The teacher had prepared a wonderful lesson that he was sure would interest the students. But when he got to the classroom he s
People of Faith (Luke 17.5 - 10)
When the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17.5) they speak for us all. Everybody feels that they do not have enough...

Lazarus (Luke 16.19 - 31)
The story of Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31) has two elements that we are rather dubious about in the West today: judgement and hell. ...

The Unjust Steward (Luke 16)
What is known as the Parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16) is really the parable of the manager who cooked the books. As such it has...
Fr Terry Writes
No one likes to be vulnerable. We have erected careful systems to make sure that we are not vulnerable. As individuals, we take out...
Corpus Christi
In the Solemnity of Corpus Christi we celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the eucharist, under the forms of bread and wine....