Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th August 2021
Sun 29th Aug
8.30 am Aurora Lobo RIP
10 am Martin Flatley, anniversary
12 noonMarie Drury, RIP
Mon 30th AugFeria
10 amMay Brennan, intentions
Tues 31st AugFeria
10 amMartin Brennan, RIP
Weds 1st SeptNO MASS
Thurs 2nd SeptFeria
7 pmTony Martin, RIP
Fri 3rd Sept St Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
10 amPatricia Murphy, RIP
Sat 4th Sept23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
5 pm Martin Brennan, RIP
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Kathleen Lancaster, Denis Leenane, John O'Shea, Rekha, Bina, Gale Yates, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan Father Robert Plourde and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for Danusia Szczepanik, Baby Boley, Susie Owens, Camilla Canepa, Fr Edward Ndahinda, John Skehan, Antony Fernando, Margarita de Vega, Frances Barry, Martin Brennan, Pat O’Shea, Victoria Adedoyin, Maurilio Vargas Panduro, Geny Vargas Panduro Helen Vargas Panduro, ArthurPalmer, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo, Larry Tuohy and Monica Thomson who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace. We remember their families and all those bereaved. We continue to pray for those around the world battling the coronavirus.
Monica Thomson RIP
Monica’s Requiem Mass will be at 12noon on Monday 20th September at St Mary’s. All family and friends are welcome to attend. May she rest in peace.
Larry Tuohy RIP.
Larry sadly died a few days ago, and for those who did not know him he was a long time parishioner until he moved to live with his daughter. He was a professional chef and used his skills at the Parish Dinner Dances and any "do" that required his expertise. Larry also helped to run the kitchen at the SVP Children's Centre, providing 3 meals a day for nearly 200 hungry children and adults. He also ran the Parish Cub Scouts for many years. May he rest in peace.
Is every day still a Sunday?
The Bishops Conference has decided to reintroduce Sunday obligation from the end of November (the First Sunday of Advent). Therefore every day is still a Sunday. The Bishops have recommended that we try our utmost to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion.
Parish “In Council”:
Fr Peter writes: “As we emerge from the pandemic we have a chance to rebuild our parish. A “parish in council” is a single meeting open to all parishioners where you can ask me questions and give me ideas about future activities, formation classes or meetings that you would like to see happen at St Mary’s. It is not an opportunity to be unduly critical, but constructive – a good “building” term! The date for our “Parish In Council” is Tuesday 14th September at 7pm.”
"God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try."
-Saint Teresa of Kalcutta
Offertory Collection
Fr Peter writes: “The offertory collection in church for week ending 22nd Aug was- £556.43..All contributions are greatly received, and I am very grateful for your continued support at this difficult time. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Details are on the back of the newsletter.
Confessions & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will now be every Saturday from 4:30pm to 5pm.
Confessions return to Saturday at 4:30pm (before Mass) and 5:30pm (after Mass). Please do not hesitate to take advantage of this beautiful healing sacrament”
Finchley Catholic High School Secondary Transfer Evening
Open evening for Finchley Catholic: Tuesday 14th September 2021 5.30-8.30 pm. Guided tours are available from 6-8 pm. Headteacher’s talk at 5.30 pm, 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm (Admission by ticket only, available on the night). Open mornings: Wednesday 29th September and Tuesday 5th October – by appointment only. For further information, please visit
The Repository:
The Repository (selling Candles, Mass Cards, Holy Water Bottles etc) is now open after all Sunday Masses. Please be patient if we cannot serve you immediately – but we will endeavour to find what you need.
Pull a Weed..
Fr Peter writes: “Pat has done a heroic task keeping an eye on the parish gardens. There are 4 lawns which need mowing, not to mention the ever-growing ivy. To keep St Mary’s tidy (it serves us for so many important needs – Baptism’s, Mass, the Foodbank and Funerals) I would be very grateful if you could pull up a weed when you see one in the pavement or crevices around the buildings. Pat and I will collect them. If any of you have green fingers and would like to give a hand looking after the gardens (planting and tending) please let me know. I am after a second hand pair of sharp garden sheers to help with the ivy – if you have one spare – please let me know and I will happily come and collect.”
The Parish Outing:
Fr Peter writes: “We had a grand day out visiting Westminster Cathedral and Kensington Palace. I will try to organise another parish outing in the autumn and we might attempt to go further afield!”
"We need no wings to go in search of Him, but have only to look
upon him present in us."
-St Teresa of Avila
Ways to financially support St. Mary’s:
If you would like to donate on a regular monthly basis, please consider setting up a standing order via your bank. Contact the parish office on 0208 883 4234 or finchleyeast@rcdow, to obtain a form.
You can donate by credit or debit card via our Diocesan website:
If asked to add a reference, please use ‘Collection’.
You can arrange a bank transfer, either online or in person at the bank. Please instruct your bank to use the following as a reference:
Your surname and your initials, followed by the word “Collection”
e.g. Smith J. – Collection
St Mary’s bank account details are as follows:
Account Name: WRCDT – Finchley East
Sort Code:40-05-20
Account Number:71265733
A Just Giving page has been set up for St. Mary’s. You can donate by going to the following link and clicking on “Make a donation”:
Cheques should be made out to “WRCDT – Finchley East” and can be posted to the parish office at: 279 High Road, East Finchley, N2 8HG
-or dropped through the presbytery letterbox with a note saying “Offertory Collection”
Many of you already contribute via the weekly numbered envelopes system. If you would like to contribute this way, and are not already doing so, please let the office know and we can arrange for you to receive a boxed set of envelopes with your own allocated number.