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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 26.01.2025


26th Jan​​

8.30am​ Danny and Monica McQuilkin, intentions

​10am​​​ Frank Burke, anniversary

​12noon​​​ Gerry Stenson, RIP


Mon 27th Jan        ​Feria

10am           ​Rose Marlow, intentions


Tues 28th Jan​ St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of theChurch

10am​ Bernard and Ita Looney, intentions


​Weds 29th Jan​​ NO MASS

Thurs 30th Jan​ Feria

10am​ Peter Murphy, intentions


Fri31st Jan​ St John Bosco, Priest

10am​ People of the Parish

​           ​​

Sat 1st Feb​ The Presentation of the Lord

5pm​ Hannah and Danny Falvey, RIP



  Saturday 10 am to 11 am and 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition


Let us keep in our prayers: Julius Lipner, Kitty Heenan, David Ryan, Margaret Ryan, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Jose Luis Pérez,  Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller, Izabela Lissowska and Sveta Valeri – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Fr Sean Carroll, Fr David Barnes, Gerry Stenson, Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui,  Rodolfo Icban, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, John O Shea, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, Eddie Maher, Anne Gorman, Agnes Day, Jose Barreto, Peter Krausher, Phyllis Conroy, Michael McLoughlin, Renza Mortali, Piera Tomei, Robert Quiambao Tolentino, Helen Murphy, Danny Pasumala, Gianpiero Gallian, Mary Teresa Foran, Martin Flanagan and James McCormack whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.



The offertory collection for the week ending 19th January  - Offertory Collection was

£ 586.63 and Contactless was £ 117.99.  For the month of December 2024: Standing Orders - £ 3,527.00 Online Donations £ 120.00 Stripe £ 34.25. Many thanks for your generosity.



During Fr Peter’s absence there will be no Holy Hour or Confessions from 10am to 11am on Saturday’s. All passport applications or pension declarations will need to be countersigned by another stipulated witness. Any urgent sick calls can be referred to the neighbouring Finchley parishes.



On Saturday 8th February, 2025, at 2pm, a Mass for the Sick will be held at Westminster Cathedral, celebrated by H.E. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, during which Anointing of the Sick will be offered.  If you would like to attend, please let the parish office know either by e mail or in writing and tickets will be booked on your behalf.  In order to book your tickets, the parish office will require the name of each person and the category of ticket needed:

a) Wheelchair users who require anointing or

b) Walking sick who require anointing or

c) Those assisting the sick, who do not require anointing

Please submit your requests for tickets no later than 31st January 2025.

Please ensure that you specify one of the above categories next to the person for whom a ticket is required.  Many thanks.



Each Thursday there will be a short prayer session in the meeting room in the Presbytery.  Four parishioners will take it in turn to lead, and the format may vary from week to week, but all sessions will provide a quiet time of prayer and reflection.  The sessions will last about 20 minutes.  You are warmly invited.



First Holy Communion Classes continue on Tuesday in the small hall beginning at 3:45pm. Please bring a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and £25. Please give these to Margaret either before or after the class.



A Mass for bereaved parents will be celebrated in Westminster Cathedral by Bishop Paul McAleenan on Saturday 5th April at 2pm. If you would like to attend please email or contact the parish office.



If you are interested in exploring a vocation to the Priesthood or Permanent Diaconate, then please come along to one of the Vocations Team’s 'Come & See' Vocations Mornings on:

• Saturday 8th February, 10am-2pm at SS Peter & Paul parish hall, 38 Camborne Ave, Northfields, W13 9QZ

• Saturday 1st March, 10am-2pm at Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Joseph parish hall, 1 King Edward’s Road, Ware, SG12 7EJ


Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided. To find out more and to register attendance at one of the days please contact Canon Roger Taylor, the Vocations Promoter, at or Deacon Tito Pereira, Assistant Director of the Permanent Diaconate, at or phone 07977 599110.



I am over joyed to share the good news that my recent biopsy results have come back clear. Your prayers and support during this challenging time has been a source of immense strength and comfort. I am still a bit tender and will re-enter parish life slowly over the next few weeks (as recommended by the hospital). I may not make the “SVP Senior Citizens Lunch” (such a lovely event) or the “Jubilee Bingo” Night (6pm on Saturday 1st February) but I will be with you in spirit.

Let us continue to pray for those undergoing biopsies, those living with cancer, their families and healthcare staff who work in oncology.  



The Finance Committee will meet in the presbytery on Thursday at 7:30pm.



The repository (the little religious shop in the porch) is open after Sunday’s 10am and 12 noon Mass.



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