The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 29.12.2024
Sun 29th Dec
8.30am Peter Rochford, RIP
10am Christine Pavlou, 3rd anniversary
12noon Malcolm McCarthy, RIP
Mon 30th Dec Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity
10am Sarah McCarthy, anniversary
Tues 31st Dec Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity
10am Kathleen Rock, RIP
11.30pm David and Eileen Scott, RIP
Weds 1st JanSolemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God
12noon Piera Tomei, RIP
Thurs 2nd JanNO MASS
Fri 3rd Jan Christmas Feria
10am Luis Goncalves, 1st anniversary
Sat 4th JanThe Epiphany of the Lord
5pm Tony McGovern, 1st anniversary
Saturday 10 am to 11 am and 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Let us keep in our prayers: Julius Lipner, Kitty Heenan, David Ryan, Margaret Ryan, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Jose Luis Pérez, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller, Izabela Lissowska and Sveta Valeri – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: James McCormack, Gerry Stenson, Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui, Rodolfo Icban, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, John O Shea, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, Eddie Maher, Anne Gorman,Agnes Day, Jose Barreto, Peter Krausher, Phyllis Conroy, Michael McLoughlin, Renza Mortali, Piera Tomei, Robert Quiambao Tolentino, Helen Murphy, Danny Pasumala, Gianpiero Gallian, Mary Teresa Foran and James McCormack whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Fr Peter writes: “Thank you to everyone who has given me lovely gifts and cards – I am very grateful. Thank you to those who have helped decorate the church, from the crib, to the wreaths, to the trees, to the centre aisle festive candle stands, to the flowers. It looks very festive. Thank you to readers, ushers, Eucharistic ministers, Fr Denis, servers, first communion children, cleaners, musicians and singers. We have pulled together and celebrated the Good News of the birth of our Saviour. Thank you.”
NEW YEAR’S EVE 2024 into 2025
Fr Peter writes: “For the past few years I have tried to celebrate a New Year’s Eve Mass in honour of Our Lady at midnight on 31st December. I see it as a way of beginning the New Year in the presence of Christ, who I know, will be accompanying us through 2025. So, on New Year’s Eve I will be celebrating a quiet informal Mass in the Church beginning at 11:30pm – and you are most welcome to join me.”
During Christmas and up to Epiphany, all Masses will be celebrated in the church. Many thanks.
From January 9th there will be a short prayer meeting each Thursday, in the meeting room in the Presbytery. Four parishioners will take it in turn to lead, and the format may vary from week to week, but all sessions will provide a quiet time of prayer and reflection. The sessions will last about 20 minutes. You are warmly invited.
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2025 –this is for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2025. The forms are available to download on the school website.
Please also be advised that you must also complete a CAF (Common Application Form) from Barnet -the on-line system is already open:
Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2025. This is for children born between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023. The deadline to return applications to the school office is 31stJanuary 2025. Please contact the office or visit the school website for an application pack.
IMPORTANT! If you need the Certificate of Catholic Practice form signed as part of your school application, please see Father Peter after one of the Sunday Masses. Please be aware that Father Peter WILL NOT be available after 7th January for signing these forms.
Our Lady of Lourdes School writes: Could you spare a little of your time to volunteer as a school governor and join our committed and experienced team of governors? You need no special expertise, only a passion to achieve the best education for our children. If you are interested in this rewarding work and would like to find out more, please contact Fiona Kerin, Chair of Governors, via the school office on 0208 346 1681 or email
🎱B-I-N-G-O is back at St. Mary’s!
Mark your calendars for early February, because we’re thrilled to announce our Annual Bingo Night is coming soon! This year, we’re teaming up with the amazing Youth Group to make it bigger, better, and more exciting than ever.
To all the youth: gear up, because this will be an incredible opportunity to get involved to share joy and make our parishioners smile!
🎱🔢 Stay tuned for more details, and don’t forget to save the date. Wishing everyone a blessed and joyful Christmas, and we can’t wait to see you all in the New Year! 🎱🔢
Let’s make this a night to remember!