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Seventh Sunday of Easter (Year B) 16th May 2021


Sun 16th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

8.30 am​​​ - Holy Souls

10 am​​​ - Dirce Negrotti, anniversary​​

11.30 am​ - Abad Family, thanksgiving

Mon 17th May​ ​- Easter Feria

7 pm​​​ - Felix Randles, RIP​​​

Tues 18th May​​ - Easter Feria

10 am​​​ - Requiem Mass for Frances Barry, RIP

Weds 19th May


Thurs 20th May​​ - Easter Feria

7 pm​​​ - Michael Kavanagh, RIP


Fri 21st May ​- Easter Feria

10 am​ - Rose Mills

​ ​​​​​​​

Sat 22nd May​​ - Pentecost Sunday

5 pm ​- Martin Brennan, RIP

Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.

Offertory Collection

Fr Peter writes: “The counters are back and money is being banked. The offertory collections for the last 3 weeks are as follows:

Week ending Sunday 9th May 2021 - £ 774.21

Week ending Sunday 2nd May 2021 - £ 935.00

Week ending Sunday 25th April 2021 - £ 627.49

These figures do not include regular Standing Orders, Virgin Money Giving or on line donations. These figures can only be published at the end of each month. Roughly, our ideal offertory figure for each week pre-pandemic was over a £1000. We are not far off that figure, but we do fluctuate. All contributions are greatly received, and I am very grateful for your continued support at this difficult time. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Details are on the back of the newsletter.

Your Prayers:

Let us keep in our prayers: Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, Arthur Palmer, Karina McKiernan Father Robert Plourde and Danusia Lissowski – all unwell at this time.

We also pray for Peggy O Donnell, Margarita de Vega, Frances Barry, Martin Brennan, Pat O’Shea, Victoria Adedoyin, Maurilio Vargas Panduro, Geny Vargas Panduro and Helen Vargas Panduro who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace. We remember their families and all those bereaved. We also pray for those in India and around the world battling the coronavirus.

Frances Barry RIP

Frances’s Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s on Tuesday at 10am. Due to Covid regulations only Frances’s family and friends will be in attendance. However the Mass will be streamed via Let us keep Frances and her family in our prayers.

Streamed Masses for this week:

The 10 am Mass on Sunday & Tuesday will be streamed for those shielding at home. You can access the streaming service via

Still uncertain about returning to Church?

Fr Peter writes: “As vaccines roll out and infection rates plummet you might feel this is the right time to return to St Mary’s for Mass. Do not worry if you are uncertain about responses or anxious your children will make a noise. I have asbestos ears and I am never distracted by children having a charismatic moment. More importantly, St Mary’s is your home, and I would be delighted to see you. If you cannot remember a response, God is not going to mind, God just wants to feed you. The 8:30am Mass on Sunday has a few spaces spare as does the 11:30am, so come along and let God listen to your burdens and nourish you with grace and strength.”

Confirmation at St Mary’s

Finally, after a long wait, we are going to start the preparation for Confirmation- hooray! If you applied for your child to be part of this group, please keep an eye on your Inbox for details.

RCIA at St Mary’s

Are you or someone you know curious about what is involved in becoming a Catholic? Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church? Were you baptised but never confirmed and now feel you would like to complete your formation? St Mary’s will shortly be re-starting the RCIA group and you would be very welcome to join us. For more information please contact Holly


Fr Peter writes: “Confessions are on Saturday at 4:30pm (before Mass) and 5:30pm (after Mass). If the weather is good, I will hear confessions in my garden (behind the presbytery), if raining I will use the small hall in the parish centre. Eventually (hopefully in late June) we will return to use the confessionals in church”.

The Wall:

Fr Peter writes: “Repairs to the wall will begin on 7th June and should take 6 weeks. During this time the builders will need to use part of the car park which is adjacent to the wall. As a result there will be fewer spaces. I would prefer if those who can walk to church can do so from 7th June leaving the remaining car park spaces for those with mobility issues.

Pentecost 1:

Fr Peter writes: “Before each Mass this week (except on Tuesday), there will be a silent half hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament which will include a novena to the Holy Spirit. You can find this novena as an attachment (if you are reading the newsletter online) or as a paper copy in church. Sunday is Day 3 of the novena – but it is never too late to join in.”

Pentecost 2:

Fr Peter writes: “Pentecost celebrations occur next weekend. The SVP have kindly agreed to host a tea and cake party after the Saturday 5pm and Sunday 10am and 11:30am Masses. We can use the presbytery garden and the gardens around the small hall to sit and chat. I will put out two gazebos to provide shelter if it is too sunny….or raining.

Some Lockdown News:

As of Monday (17th May) 30 guests are allowed at Baptisms and Weddings. St Mary’s is now permitted to allow 60 people to attend a funeral in church (in keeping with our covid social distancing capacity).

Ways to financially support St. Mary’s:


If you would like to donate on a regular monthly basis, please consider setting up a standing order via your bank. Contact the parish office on 0208 883 4234 or finchleyeast@rcdow, to obtain a form.



You can donate by credit or debit card via our Diocesan website:

If asked to add a reference, please use ‘Collection’.



You can arrange a bank transfer, either online or in person at the bank. Please instruct your bank to use the following as a reference:

Your surname and your initials, followed by the word “Collection”

e.g. Smith J. – Collection

St Mary’s bank account details are as follows:

Account Name: ​WRCDT – Finchley East

Sort Code:​​40-05-20

Account Number:​​71265733




A Just Giving page has been set up for St. Mary’s. You can donate by going to the following link and clicking on “Make a donation”:



Cheques should be made out to “WRCDT – Finchley East” and can be posted to the parish office at: 279 High Road, East Finchley, N2 8HG

-or dropped through the presbytery letterbox with a note saying “Offertory Collection”



Many of you already contribute via the weekly numbered envelopes system. If you would like to contribute this way, and are not already doing so, please let the office know and we can arrange for you to receive a boxed set of envelopes with your own allocated number.


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