Pentecost Sunday 28.05.2023
Sun 28th May
8.30 am Eileen Dooley, RIP
10 am Ellen Soffey, RIP
12 pm Criss Sheridan, intentions
Mon 29th May The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
10 am Zsofia Benezur-Papp RIP
Tues 30th May Feria
10am Victor Correa, RIP
Weds 31st May NO MASS
Thurs 1st June Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal High Priest
10 am Enrico Soracchi, RIP
Fri 2nd June Feria
10 am Maureen Robertson, intentions
Sat 3rd June The Most Holy Trinity
5pm Dermot McGee, RIP
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
The St Mary’s Time and Talents Survey 2023
Fr Peter writes: “Thank you to all those who volunteer within the parish. If you would like to volunteer or already do so, please complete the attached “Time & Talents Survey” and return to me as soon as possible.
St Mary’s is a thriving parish which relies on you. Everyone has a particular skill. Just take the Time, fill out the survey and share your Talent!
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Madeleine Melling, Jenifer Danvers, Enrico Soracchi, Raymond Tissot, Sr Theresa, Antonio Ostacchini, Lilian Murphy, Martin Wyrazik, Rita Graham, Judith Agholor, Anne Kennedy, Alan Ferrett and Zsofia Benezur -Papp, whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
The offertory collection for the week ending 21st May was £658.84. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Please contact the parish office for a Standing Order form.
Anne Kennedy RIP
Anne was a long-standing parishioner who went into elderly care in Edgware. She died peacefully two weeks ago. Anne’s requiem Mass will take place at St Mary’s on Monday 5th June at 10am. May she rest in peace.
St Mary’s SVP Social evening Saturday 3rd June at 6pm
The SVP are once again hosting a social evening to help to raise funds for its activities helping individuals and families in need. A hot supper will be served [meat lasagne or vegetarian option] at 6pm followed by a wonderful film that is the sequel to one we all enjoyed last year it is based on a true story set in Cornwall. Tickets will be sold before and after the weekend masses 20/21 and 27/28 May by SVP members Michael, Fintan, Joan, Nicola and Jean Price £15 per person includes supper, soft drinks and ice creams. Bring your own alcohol.
Save the Date!
Celebrations to commemorate 70 years since the present church was opened and 125 years since the parish of St Mary’s was established will happen on Sunday 17th September. Please “save the date”. You are all invited!
May 31st visit of Blessed Carlo Acutis's mother.
Bishop Nicholas Hudson and Westminster Youth Ministry are hosting a Eucharistic Adoration event for young people from the diocese. This will take place on Wednesday 31st May from 7.30pm to 9pm at Farm St Church in Mayfair, and Bishop Nicholas will be assisted by our World Youth Day Pilgrims. During the event, there will be a talk by Antonia Salzano, the mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis. She is on a short family visit to London and has very generously agreed to speak to our young people at this event. Her talk will be focused on Blessed Carlo's trust and focus on the Lord in the Eucharist.
If you are secondary school age and would like to go, please sign the list at the back of the church.
Director of Education at St Mary’s
Do you have experience working in Christian education and youth work? Would you like to make a real difference, using your skills to support a parish community?
St Mary’s Director of Education post is a pivotal one within the parish. You will work closely alongside Fr Peter, to manage, develop, support and co-ordinate catechetical and sacramental programmes to facilitate growth in the spiritual and catechetical life of the parish. This is a paid part-time post of 15 hours a week. If you think you could be the next Director of Education in our parish, please visit:, where you will be able to apply directly. Also – have a chat with Fr Peter.
Congratulations to Finchley Foodbank
Fr Peter writes: “Last week, Finchley Foodbank hosted a party to celebrate their tenth year. Some of the original founders were present (including Fr Terry) and Dipo, the present Chair, welcomed the Mayor of Barnet and other dignitaries. FFB currently supports a clientele of approximately 500 per week. Let us do our best and continue to offer support and most importantly keep them in our prayers.”
Congratulations to the St Mary’s Allotment Team:
Fr Peter writes: “If you go behind the church you will see an amazing allotment! Last week, the first produce was dug out – some radishes. Which were delicious. A big thank you to the wonderful allotment team. If you would like to be part of this green initiative, helping the environment and providing fresh food for the Foodbank, please fill out a “Time and Talent” survey and tick the allotment box!”
Following the footsteps of the Saints
Called to action by our faith– Saturday 10th June
Tony Sheen, Community Participation Co Ordinator, CAFOD writes: You are invited to CAFOD’s International Office on Saturday 10th June for a short time exploring our faith, why we Campaign & how you can help. The morning will include guest speakers & a chance for discussion in workshops to explore activities such as Live Simply, Our unfair Food System and Liturgy resources. The morning will run from 10.30-1pm at CAFOD’s Office in Lambeth North SE1. For further information contact Tony or booking please see or Eventbrite here.
St Michael's Catholic Grammar School - Open Evening for Secondary Transfer - Monday 26 June 2023
Parents and girls who are interested in taking the entrance tests for St Michael's Catholic Grammar School are invited to visit the school for a guided tour on Monday 26 June between 5pm and 7pm. Headteacher talks will be held at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm in The Chapel. They have 128 places in each year and are historically heavily oversubscribed with girls who meet the criteria of Catholic girls from a Practising Catholic family who have made their First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. Priority for up to 32 places is given to girls who are registered as Pupil Premium with their primary school. Full details of the Admissions Policy can be found on the School's website
The online application to apply to sit the entrance tests for entry in September 2024 is now available The deadline for applications to be completed and Certificate of Catholic Practice provided to the School is 4pm on Tuesday 4th July 2023.