First Sunday of Advent 01.12.2024
Sun 1st Dec
8.30am People of the Parish
10am Mary and Eamonn Rogers, anniversary
12 noon Kathleen Connelly, RIP
Mon 2nd Dec Advent Feria
10am Sveta Valeri, intentions
Tues 3rd Dec Saint Francis Xavier, Priest
10am Savio Barreto, RIP
Weds 4th Dec
10am NO MASS
Thurs 5th Dec Advent Feria
10am Harriet Kasmares, intentions
Fri 6th Dec Advent Feria
10am Terry Purves and family, intentions
Sat 7th Dec 2nd Sunday of Advent
5pm Joseph Barreto, RIP
Saturday 10 am to 11 am and 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Let us keep in our prayers: Julius Lipner, Kitty Heenan, David Ryan, James McCormack, Margaret Ryan,Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Jose Luis Pérez, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Gerry Stenson, Kwok Chui Tsui, Yuen Kuen Tsui, Rodolfo Icban, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, John O Shea, Raffaella Di Trolio, Mercedes Bahillo, Eileen Sweeney, Arcangela Moretto, Gino Tomei, Lucia Josephine Rayappu, Rose McGrory, Patrick Jean Noel Louis-Auguste, Eddie Maher, Anne Gorman, Agnes Day, Jose Barreto, Peter Krausher, Phyllis Conroy, Michael McLoughlin, Renza Mortali, Piera Tomei, Robert Quiambao Tolentino, Baby Alpha Budhdeo, Helen Murphy, Danny Pasumala and Gianpiero Gallian whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Week ending 24TH November: The Offertory Collection was £602.87. Contactless for week ending 24th November was £147.47. Many thanks for your generosity.
A new edition of the Lectionary, the book which contains the readings proclaimed at Mass, will come into use in England and Wales THIS WEEKEND - the First Sunday of Advent 2024. It is a big moment of change as we move away from the now familiar Jerusalem Bible translation to the new English Standard Version – Catholic Edition translation. The new lectionary will use better biblical scholarship and more up-to-date translations to make the Bible more faithful to its original languages.
Fr Peter writes “For those who want to buy a Sunday Missal (with the new translation) I have 18 for sale at £20. A snippet! They are CTS Missals and contain Sunday readings for Years A, B and C. They would also make an ideal Christmas or Birthday present and are available from the repository.”
Fr Peter will organise a Confirmation course for any young adults in year 9 at secondary school. For entrance onto the Confirmation programme they must regularly attend a weekend Mass at St Mary’s. The course needs a cohort of at least 12. Registration Forms will be available from Fr Peter only at the 10am and 12 noon Masses this weekend and next.
The RCIA course will meet this Tuesday at 7:30pm in the presbytery.
The first meeting of the Holy Communion Children will take place at 3:45pm on Tuesday in the small hall. Please remember that all First Holy Communion families must attend a weekend Mass (preferably Sunday at 10am).
Applications are invited for the Reception Class for September 2025 –this is for children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. The deadline to return this to the school office is 15th January 2025. The forms are available to download on the school website.
Please also be advised that you must also complete a CAF (Common Application Form) from Barnet -the on-line system is already open:
Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2025. This is for children born between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023. The deadline to return applications to the school office is 31stJanuary 2025. Please contact the office or visit the school website for an application pack.
Thank you to everyone who has taken note that I need to rest for quite a while (at the request of my consultant). I am still around and happy to see people, but I will begin to scale back duties as we approach Christmas. That does not mean that the parish will hibernate - The parish council have some great ideas for the New Year and these will be outlined very soon.
THE OUTSIDE ILLUMINATED CRIB Having written the above, I would like to display the illuminated crib on the top of the presbytery porch! I will need ladders, strong individuals, breeze blocks and a few electrical engineers to see if my idea is possible. Could we try this after the 10am Mass next Sunday? Then I will rest!
As we prepare to enter the sacred season of Advent, it is important to reflect on the symbols that guide us through this time of anticipation and preparation. One of the most meaningful symbols is the Advent wreath, a beautiful tradition that holds deep significance in our Catholic faith.
The Advent Wreath: The Advent wreath is a circular garland of evergreen branches, symbolizing eternal life and God's unending love. The circle has no beginning or end, reminding us of the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life we find in Christ.
Candles and Their Meaning: The wreath holds four candles, each representing a different aspect of the Advent season:
1. First Candle (Hope): Also known as the "Prophet’s Candle," it symbolizes the hope and anticipation of Christ’s coming. It is usually purple, representing the royal dignity of our Saviour.
2. Second Candle (Faith): Called the "Bethlehem Candle," it represents the faith of Mary and Joseph as they journeyed to Bethlehem. It is also purple.
3. Third Candle (Joy): Known as the "Shepherd’s Candle," it signifies the joy the world experienced at the birth of Jesus. This candle is pink, reflecting a pause in the penitential spirit of Advent to celebrate the impending birth of Christ.
4. Fourth Candle (Peace): Called the "Angel’s Candle," it symbolizes the peace and love announced by the angels on the night of Christ’s birth. This candle is purple.
The Christ Candle: In some traditions, a fifth candle, the "Christ Candle," is placed in the center of the wreath. It is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and is white, symbolizing the purity and light of Christ.
Lighting the Wreath: Each Sunday of Advent, we light a new candle on the wreath. As the light grows, so does our anticipation for the coming of Jesus, the Light of the World. The Advent wreath serves as a visual and spiritual reminder of the journey towards the celebration of Christ's birth and his eventual second coming.
May the Advent wreath enrich your homes and hearts as we prepare to welcome our Saviour.
Come to our “St Mary’s Christmas Fair”
on Sunday 11am to 2pm
JOIN US TODAY FOR THE MERRIEST OF CHRISTMAS FAIRS. Have a tea, coffee, mulled apple juice or a complimentary glass of mulled wine (when purchasing a mince pie) then sit back, relax and enjoy our festive extravaganza.
FATHER CHRISTMAS arrives at noon; there will be carol singing at 11.15am and again at 12.45pm; indulge in delicious hot food; scrumptious home-bakes; explore over 15 stalls – tombola, photo booth; arts & crafts; jewellery; Nativity Advent calendars; face painting; cooking decorating; glitter tattoos; nail and henna bar; Christmas hampers and much more. Come and see what our volunteers have done with your wonderful donations.
We take cash and you can also buy tokens using your card. Minimum purchase £5 for 5 tokens. Token stall is next to the disabled toilet.
Please bring your labelled, freshly made home-bakes and any late donations to the parish halls on Saturday from 3pm to 7pm or on Sunday from 9 am. Thank you.
This takes place after the 10 am Mass on Sunday 8th December. 1st prize £200; 2nd prize £100; 3rd prize £75 and many other prizes including a Fortnum & Mason Hamper! A book of 5 tickets costs £5.
Raffle ticket sellers – please return stubs, proceeds and unsold tickets to the sacristy by Saturday 7 December, at the latest.