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6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12.02.2023



Sun 12th Feb​​

8.30 am​​​Nina Cole​​

10 am​​​Larry Hughes, RIP

12 noon​​​A private intention


Mon 13th Feb         ​Feria

10 am                  ​Monica Fitzsimons, RIP


Tues 14th Feb             ​Ss Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop

10am                   ​Gino and Renza Tomei, RIP

Weds 15th Feb          ​NO MASS

Thurs 16th Feb        ​Feria

10am​People of the Parish

​                                           ​​

​Fri 17th Feb​           ​ Feria

10 am                             ​ Maria Pini, RIP



Sat 18th Feb                     7th Sunday in Ordinary Time  

5pm                                 Kathleen Lancaster, intentions


Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition

Your Prayers:

Let us keep in our prayers: Agnes Day, Christna Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent,  Therese Kemp,  John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time.

We also pray for:: Gino Tomei, James Meally, Peter Sartori, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Siobhan Lynch, Dennis Lennane, Susan Wren, Geraldine Day, Catherine Kelly, Josephine Okuyiga, Betty Murray, Jane Ikwueke, Gail Yates,Ronald Kinsella, Maureen O Sullivan, Patrick Reilly, Ann Gourdarznia, Nina Cole, Lorenzo Marcantuono, Pat McMahon, Michael WalshEsther Ampomah Arhin, Peter McHugh, Marguerite Kyunga, Kathleen Molloy, Maria Pini, Madeleine Melling, Jenifer Danvers, Sr Theresa, and Patricia Caddle whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.



The offertory collection for week ending 5th February - £652.34.  Many thanks. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s


St Mary’s Special Commemorative Calendars

Fr Peter writes: “I am going to do a “Lord Sugar” and reduce our wonderful calendars from £7:50 to £6 – all monies go towards the parish.”


Nursery and Primary School Application Forms:

Fr Peter writes: “If your child needs their Catholic Certificates of Practice” stamped and signed, please attend one of the Sunday Masses with your child, bringing their nursery or primary school application forms. Please make sure you have completed address and dates of birth before coming to see me.”


If you are a “flaming” young person…

Join Holly and Deacon Dom and come to “Flame”…

“Flame” is a Catholic youth mega event that takes place in one of England's iconic arenas in the shadow of Wembley Stadium. Taking place on Saturday, 4 March 2023 at the OVO Arena, Wembley, Flame is the largest Catholic gathering of young people in England and Wales. Flame is open to everyone aged school Year 9 (usually 14 years old) through to University age. If you would like to be part of this amazing event – just watch this space or contact Holly or Deacon Dom to find out more.


Prayer Intentions:

At the back of the church is a yellow clipboard for you to write down the names of people you would like placed on the altar during Mass. The clipboard will be brought up in the offertory procession.


CAFOD Syria-Turkey Earthquake Appeal

This weekend there will be a second collection via CAFOD to provide support for survivors of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. In these difficult financial times do not feel under pressure to give, but if you can, it will be very welcome.

CAFOD is responding with support of provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. We also join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at


SVP Senior Citizens’ Lunch – Thank You

Fr Peter writes: “Last Sunday afternoon was a delight. A chance to catch up with friends and enjoy good food.The chefs provided first class delicacies! The large hall was beautifully decorated and the waiter service was first class. The excellent music provided by Billy and Michael meant the afternoon concluded in a spirit of joy. Grateful thanks to the amazing SVP for organising and hosting a very enjoyable event.”  


St Mary’s Pancake Race 2023!

Need to do some egg-based exercise? Are you bored of making batter and nowhere to run with it? Are you goingpancake crazy? If you are, come to the great St Mary’s Pancake Race on Tuesday 21st February (Shrove Tuesday) between 4pm – 6pm. There will be races for all ages including pancake flipping and the traditional East Finchley “Single legged Frying Pan Pancake Lobbing on a Pogo stick”. Esteemed judges will be SueLemon, Lady Sugar of Lyle and His Excellency Otto Von Barky.


St Mary’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes – April 2023

If you put your name down to come to Lourdes, please pick up your booking form from the sacristy. Deposits and forms must be completed and returned by Wednesday 22nd February.


Ash Wednesday – 22nd February 2023

Mass times for Ash Wednesday are 10am and 7:30pm in the church and 1:30pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent.


A Worthy Lent Project:

A great lent project would be to help St Mary’s populate the allotment site behind the church with seeds and bulbs. If you would like to join the “St Mary’s Foodbank Allotment Project” please come to a brief meeting at 9am on Saturday 25th February. Coffee and toast provided!

Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 13th May 2023 at 2:30pm.

The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2023.  If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).


Would you Adam and Eve it?

Brickwork surrounding the raised flowerbeds outside the church has been repaired. To prevent cars and vans reversing into the flowerbeds, two bollards have been fixed into the ground. They are called Adam and Eve. If you witness an overambitious driver reversing into a bollard, please take a note of their number plate and tell Fr Peter.


Local Catholic man seeks P/T employment.

A realible and intelligent man is looking for part-time work. He lives locally and would prefer part-time employment in the area or nearby. If you have employment oppurtunities, please contact Fr Peter or email the parish office.


A thought or two….

“What a privilege we have in this week’s readings to hear from the book of Sirach, composed by an ancient sage who was deeply immersed in the Torah, the law, and the rituals of the Temple. As such, he delivers one of the deepest truths of the spiritual life: God so respects our freedom, that he will allow us to experience life or death, good or evil. He will give us what we choose and, more to it, we will become what we choose. Each day, every moment, choose the path of love, and you will become the kind of person fit to live in heaven. “ Bishop Robert Baron




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