3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 21.01.2024
Sun 21st Jan
8.30am People of the Parish
10am Conception Fernandez, RIP
12 noon Bridget Corcoran, RIP
Mon 22nd Jan Feria
10am Manuel, RIP
Tues 23rd Jan Feria
10am Tina Moore, intentions
Weds 24th Jan NO MASS
Thurs 25th Jan The Conversion of St Paul the Apostle
10am Rita Kielty, RIP
Fri 26th Jan St Timothy and Titus, Bishops
10 am Margaret Spray, intentions
Sat 27th Jan Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5 pm Patrick Sheehan, RIP
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Please check your Spam Accounts – I might have sent you an email, Blessings…Fr Peter.
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers:, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Marjorie Reid, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, Iride Villa and Raffaella Di Trolio whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Offertory Collections
The offertory collection for the week ending 14th January 2024 was £645.30. Many thanks for your generosity.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary and Nursery School, Bow Lane N12
Applications are invited for the Nursery for the Academic Year starting September 2024. This is for children born between 1st April 2021 and 31st March 2022. The deadline to return this to the school office is 31st January 2024. Please contact the office on 0208 346 1681 or visit the school website for an application pack.
First Holy Communion Meetings
The First Reconciliation Programme and First Communion Programme will start for all those registered at 3:45pm on Tuesday 23rd January.
Talk on Catholic Economics
Will Cappelli has kindly agreed to give another talk on a modern day challenge and the response of the Church. Will’s next talk will be on the view of the Church regarding the economic world. He will speak on Monday 5thFebruary at 7:30pm in the parish centre.
Parish Hall Caretaker:
Zarela Vargas has been appointed the new parish caretaker taking over from Wilfredo Santillian. Zarela will work on Mondays. Welcome aboard Zarela!
If you know of an organisation who would like to make a long term booking of either hall in the parish centre, please contact Yvonne (in the parish office) or Fr Peter. The advantages of our halls include a car park and catering facilities.
Pilgrimage to Assisi:
Fr Peter writes: “The April Pilgrimage to Assisi is now full, we have reached our quota of parishioners. I will call a meeting for those going very soon, in the meantime pilgrims should complete and return booking forms either to Northern Star or to me…..asap!”
Seniors Lunch Sunday 18th February 2024 early warning
St Mary's SVP will be hosting lunch in the parish hall on Sunday 18th February at 1pm.
Sign-up sheets are in the church porch. So please keep an eye out for them and sign up. The menu will include chicken and a vegetarian option. If you have any dietary restrictions let us know in advance or when you sign up.
If know someone who would like to come but needs help please feel free to accompany them and join in or if you have a friend/someone who would like to come who has never been before then please bring them along and enjoy our lovely day.
Once again Billy and Michael will be providing live music so an opportunity to shake a leg or two or just listen!
Answers to Last Week’s Quiz:
St Peter was the first Pope and the term for the change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ during the Mass is Transubstantiation. Arianism is the heresy which questions Christs divinity and Martin Luther was an Augustinian Friar before he turned the Christian world upside down. To be Catholic is to be “universal” (and fantastic) and infallibility does not prevent the Pope from sinning. If you got all questions correct award yourself some “Canonisation Development Points”.
Holocaust Memorial Day – Sunday 28th January:
The annual commemoration for Holocaust Memorial Day will take place at 2pm next Sunday at the Rickett Quadrangle, Middlesex University, The Borough’s Hendon. NW4 4BT. You need to be there for 1:45pm.
Annual Cathedral Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes
Fr Peter writes: On Saturday 10th February at 2.30pm the Cardinal will celebrate the annual Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes in the Cathedral which will include the anointing of the sick. It is a beautiful Mass…. full of Lourdes symbolism. If you would like to attend either let me or Yvonne know as soon as you can so that we can reserve yourtickets.
The Contactless Machine in the Porch.
Fr Peter writes: Thank you to everyone who uses the contactless machine in the porch. After each donation it will ask you to “gift aid.” This is a legal requirement to give you a choice after each donation to “gift aid” or not. Yvonne and myself are now beginning to understand how to collate “contactless” information, so, in a few weeks I should be able to include totals from the contactless machine in our weekly notice regarding the offertory.
Apologies – I might be hobbling around the sanctuary this week as I have sprained my back. Non- alcoholic cures very welcome! – Fr Peter.
Another Catholic Quiz !
1. In the Mass…
A. Jesus is symbolized by the bread and wine from the moment of consecration onward.
B. Jesus is spiritually present when the community gathers in prayer under the leadership of the priest and ceases to be spiritually present when the priest leaves the sanctuary.
C. Jesus is physically present along with the bread and wine once the consecration has occurred.
D. Jesus is present, and the bread and wine are not present, after the consecration.
2. The doctrine of the Trinity means….
A. There is one God who manifests himself in the three distinct roles of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
B. Since the Resurrection there have been four persons in the Trinity, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ the God-Man.
C. In the Godhead there is only one divine person, and he takes on different aspects according to his actions as Creator, Redeemer, or Sanctifier.
D. There are three Gods who work so closely together that it is proper to call them one God.
E. None of the above.
3. A deacon is…..
A. A priest who does not have permission to celebrate Mass until after his wife dies.
B. A layman who may distribute Communion, marry people, baptize babies, and wear vestments.
C. A man who has received the first level of holy orders and is neither a priest nor a layman.
D. Forbidden to hear confessions and give absolution except in emergency situations and in the absence of a priest.
E. None of the above
4. Which of the following is a defined Catholic dogma?
A. Limbo
B. Purgatory
C. Both Limbo and purgatory
D. Priestly celibacy
E. None of the above
5. At the crucifixion…..
A. Jesus' human nature died on the cross.
B. Only the human person of Jesus, not the divine person of Jesus, died on the cross.
C. God died on the cross
D. Jesus' human and divine natures both died on the cross, but the universe was kept going by the Father and the Holy Spirit until Jesus' Resurrection.
E. None of the above
Answers and plenary indulgences…next week.