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2nd Sunday of Lent 13.03.2022


Sun 13th Mar

8.30 am Francisco Jose Maria, 2nd anniversary

10 am Kathy Stretton, RIP

12 noon Mary McWilliams, RIP

Mon 14th Mar Lent Feria

10 am Renza Mortali, RIP

4pm Reception of Josephine Okuyiga, RIP

Tues 15th Mar

10 am Funeral Mass for Josephine Okuyiga, RIP

Weds 16th Mar NO MASS

Thurs 17th Mar St Patrick, Bishop, Patron of Ireland

10 am Eileen & David Scott RIP

Fri 18th Mar Lent Feria

10 am Christopher and Michael Day, anniversary

Sat 19th Mar 3rd Sunday of Lent

5 pm Edward Joseph Reeks, anniversary

10am – 11am; 4:30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition

Your Prayers:

Let us keep in our prayers: Frank Kilbride, Kathleen Lancaster, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Gale Yates, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. Please add the Dixon family to your intentions. We also pray for Tony Padman, Hugh Daniel Doherty, Peter Sartori, Arthur Palmer, Noel Ryan, Donato Merola, Aurora Lobo–Buckland, Larry Tuohy, Elizabeth O’Sullivan, Monica Thomson, Christine Pavlou, Tom Lohan, Dennis Lennane, Vincenzo Gagliardi, Verna Duffy, Susan Wren, Albertina Alves, Jasmine Geddes and Josephine Okuyiga who have all died recently. May they Rest in Peace.

Josephine Okuyiga RIP

Josephine will be received into church on Monday afternoon at 4pm and her requiem Mass will at 10am on Tuesday. May she rest in peace. Let us keep her husband, Anthony, and their children in our prayers.


Fr Peter writes: “The ordinary offertory collection in church for week ending 6th March - February £696.97. All contributions, every penny, is greatly received and I am very grateful for your continued support at this difficult time. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s.

CAFOD Fast Day – Second Collection

At all Masses this weekend, there will be a second collection for the “CAFOD Family Fast Day”. – there are collection envelopes which are available at the back of the church or you can donate by visiting the CAFOD website:

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Rosary during Lent:

Fr Peter writes “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Lent will be available on Monday and Thursday mornings at 9:30am until the 10am Mass. Adoration is always available every Saturday from 10am to 11am. On Tuesday’s the Rosary will continue to be recited after the 10am Mass.

Stations of the Cross:

Fr Peter writes: “This beautiful meditation will be celebrated every Friday morning in lent after the 10am Mass. The outdoor Stations of the Cross are also available for those who would like to follow this important spiritual exercise by themselves”

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh! Happy St Patrick’s Day!

There will be tea and ‘Irish coffee’ served in the Hall after morning Mass on Thursday. All are welcome!

Reading The Bible: A Taster in Studying Scripture

Fr Peter writes: “As part of our Lent journey, John Coleby has kindly agreed to present talks on scripture. John is a parishioner and Director of Caritas. The course is for everyone; those unfamiliar with scripture as well as those who read and study the Bible. The dates are: Tuesday 22nd March and Tuesday 5th April. We will gather for a cup of tea at 7:15pm and begin shortly afterwards. The venue will be the small hall.”

St Mary’s SVP invites you to a Parish Social Evening

The SVP are trying to raise funds to help local families who are in need as well as arranging a fun evening for parishioners. Saturday 2nd April at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Cost £15 per person, this includes hot supper [homemade lasagne/veggie option] ice cream/chocolates/popcorn and soft drinks]. Please let us know any special dietary requirements in advance You may bring your own alcohol. This will be followed by a film: “A Hundred Foot Journey”. It is approx. 119 mins in length and is suitable for persons aged 12 Plus. Numbers are restricted to 50 and tickets will be sold before and after Masses on Saturday and Sunday 12/13th and 19/20th March or through one of the SVP members, Michael, Fintan, Nicola, Joan or Jean.

Lectio Divina:

The St Mary’s “Lectio Divina” zoom is every Monday from 7:30pm – 8:30pm. “Lectio” involves reading, reflecting and discussing the gospel passage used each Sunday at Mass. Please email Fr Peter if you want to be part of the “Lectio Zoom Team”.

Prayer Workshop: Part One:

Fr Peter writes: “Whichever way we pray, it is always good. I am going to lead one or two workshops on different types of prayer. Please come along at 7:15pm on Thursday 31st May in the small hall to try a “prayer type”. I am not going to tell you which one, as that would spoil the surprise, but rest assured, it will probably be one that you have heard of or are familiar with. We will meet for just over an hour, and finish with a time of prayer. All are welcome.”


Fr Peter writes: “As the invasion of Ukraine continues we must keep in our prayers all those caught within this tragic malaise. We must pray for the people of Ukraine, those who are offering their lives to protect their country, world government leaders who are having to impose sanctions and the Russian people who oppose the decision of their president.

Thank you to everyone who has donated money or responded to the St Mary’s appeal for specific medical supplies (bandages, painkillers & medical gloves – all “in date” and unopened). Two conveys have already left for Poland since I made the appeal, and another leaves this week for Ukraine. I intend to get our collection to the convoy depot on Monday.”

Music and Singing at Mass:

Fr Peter writes: “I want to build on the great work done by Helen and Liz regarding Music at Mass. We are so lucky to have these two talented generous and committed musicians! I would now like us to re-start singing the responses at the Sunday 10am Mass so we are prepared for Easter and our May 70th celebration. I also want to uncover some of you who are hidden musicians and singers! If you have a musical talent and would like to serve the parish, please send me an email or sign the list in the porch. To encourage you, I will start singing the doxology very soon. Now, if I can do this (and Otto the dog sings better than I do) – you who are singers and musicians have no excuse but to volunteer!”

Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

Westminster Cathedral – Saturday 14th May 2022 at 3 pm

The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) Wedding Anniversary of Catholic Marriage in 2022. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give the parish office the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and e mail (or telephone number if no e mail). The deadline for giving these details to the parish office is Friday 25th March 2022. Invitations will be sent out by the Diocese closer to the time, either by e mail or by post, if there is no e mail address.

Our Lady of Lourdes Nursery

Our Lady of Lourdes School in Bow Lane, N12 are still accepting applications to our Nursery for September 2022. If your child was born between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020 please apply. All information can be found on the school website

Nursery Application Forms:

Fr Peter writes: “If your child needs their Catholic Certificates of Practice” stamped and signed, please attend one of the Sunday Masses with your child, bringing their nursery school application forms. Please make sure you have completed address and dates of birth before coming to see me.”

Stations of the Cross – CAFOD Family Fast Day:

Fr Peter writes; “Thank you to the gallant crew who came to Stations of the Cross on Friday evening. Thank you to Cathy and Jean who provided soup and bread in the small hall afterwards.


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