23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10.09.2023
Sun 10th Sept
8.30 am Lilian Murphy, RIP
10 am John Conroy, RIP
Mon 11th Sept Feria
10 am Funeral Mass for Catherine ‘Kitty’ Ryan, RIP
Tues 12th Sept Feria
10am Funeral Mass for Ettore Bergonzi, RIP
Weds 13th Sept NO MASS
Thurs 14th Sept The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
10 am For the dear departed family members of
Araceli Dent
Fri 15th Sept Our Lady of Sorrows
10 am Judy and Mo, intentions
Sat 16th Sept 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
6pm Confirmation Mass
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Maria Zerela Vargas, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, John O’Shea, Rekha, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Madeleine Melling, Jenifer Danvers, Enrico Soracchi, Raymond Tissot, Sr Theresa, Antonio Ostacchini, Lilian Murphy, Martin Wyrazik, Rita Graham, Judith Agholor, Anne Kennedy, Alan Ferrett, Zsofia Benczur –Papp, Christine Quinn, Glen Petrie, Father Mark Leenane, Mary Flannery, Maria Merola, Catherine ‘Kitty’ Ryan, Betty Lynch and Ettore Bergonzi whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Sacrament of Confirmation at 6pm on Saturday 16th September There will be no 5pm Saturday evening Mass next weekend but a 6pm Mass as the Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred on our young Confirmandi. You are most welcome to attend, but you might find the 125th Jubilee Mass on Sunday at 11am more agreeable.
The offertory collection for the week ending 3rd September was £ 807.11. Many many thanks. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Please contact the parish office for a Standing Order form
Some wise words from the Holy Father. Please read:
Speaking in Lisbon on World Youth Day to bishops, priests, deacons, religious, seminarians and pastoral workers, Pope Francis touched on the weariness we may feel at times and the need for fresh encouragement.
It was in this context that the Pope made his urgent appeal: that the Church is for everyone: ‘todos, todos, todos!’ He said:
‘Dear brothers and sisters: to all of you, laity, religious, priests and bishops, to one and all I say, do not be afraid, let down the nets. Do not go about hurling accusations – telling people, “this is a sin” or “this is not a sin”. Let everyone come, we can talk later, but first, they should hear the invitation of Jesus; repentance comes later, closeness to Jesus comes later. Please, do not turn the Church into a customs house: there the righteous, peoples whose lives are in order, those properly married, can enter, while everyone else remains outside. No. That is not the Church. Righteous and sinners, good and bad: everyone, everyone, everyone. And then, may the Lord help us to straighten things out … …..everyone!”
The offertory collection for the week ending 3rd September was £ 807.11. Many many thanks. Please do not forget, that arranging a standing order is the easiest way to support St Mary’s. Please contact the parish office for a Standing Order form
First Holy Communions 2024
If your child is in Year 3 or above, a baptised Catholic, and you feel they are ready, you are invited to register them to prepare for and make their First Reconciliation and First Communion. Please collect a registration form from Fr Peter after one of the weekend Masses. First Holy Communion Classes will begin in November and take place every Tuesday in term time from 3:34pm - 4:45pm in the small hall. Therefore, please do not book your child into any “after school activities” on a Tuesday between 3pm and 5pm.
Finchley Catholic High School Secondary Transfer Evening
Tuesday 12th September 2023 from 5pm to 8 pm
Finchley Catholic High School are holding their annual Secondary Transfer Evening for prospective parents on Tuesday 12th September from 5 – 8 pm. Guided tours are available. Headteacher’s Talk at 5 pm, 6pm and 7.30 pm. Admission by tickets only – available on the night.
A Talk on “A.I. and the Catholic Church” at St Mary’s:
7:30pm – Tuesday 19th September
Interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at an all-time high with major influencers in business, government, science, technology, and even the arts telling us that it will revolutionise our lives. Is there a specifically Catholic perspective on AI? In this presentation, the speaker will explore what some great Catholic thinkers in the past, like Sts Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, have written about Intelligence in general and sketch how their ideas can help us evaluate the claims being made by AI enthusiasts today and guide us in making the best use of this technology." The speaker will be our very own Will Cappelli. Will is a highly regarded software industry strategist and analyst, who has spent his 35-year career in IT studying the application of AI to the management of computer systems. Refreshments will be available on the night.
Prayer group:
For all those who wish to discover prayer in greater depth, Deacon Dom will be presiding over a prayer group every Tuesday morning at 7am. We will reflect on a particular topic from the Scriptures and allow it to speak to us through silent meditation. This is a great way to begin the day before going to work or school. We will meet in the Church. Everyone is welcome!