22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 3rd September 2017
Funeral Mass for Michael Clancey
On Friday 8th September at 11.30 am, there will be a Funeral Mass for Michael Clancey here at St Mary’s followed by interment at St Pancras Cemetary. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Barry Evans RIP
Barry passed away at home with the family around him on Thursday 31st August. May he rest in peace. Funeral details will be announced.
International Mass Preparation
We look forward to our annual international Mass and lunch at 12 noon on 1st October and invite everyone to join in. We are looking for people who would like to pray, read, sing, help with lunch, offer face painting, decorate the hall, set up, tidy up and are always interested in new ideas.
10th September Meeting for all interested in praying, reading and helping
with lunch
17th September Meeting for singers and musicians
24th September Choir rehearsal (large hall)
All meetings take place in the parish centre after 10 am Mass. Contact: Sandra finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
Sponsorship opportunity
The O’Brien family have supported us in many ways, not least with the three boys (Mikey, Shane and Scott – they are the tall lads) and their sister (Shannon) who have been regular altar servers. Their mum Bernadette will be walking with Shannon, Mikey and Shane to raise funds for Cancer research on Saturday 23rd September. They will be walking the Shine half marathon night walk which is 13.5 miles and would welcome sponsorship. You can do so through this link:
or through Bernadette’s link on the parish Facebook page.
Training for New Altar Servers
Training for new altar servers will take place on Saturday 23rd September 11 am – 12 noon in church. Children who have made their First Communion are welcome to join the group. Please book in advance by e mailing Sandra finchleyeastcat@rcdow.org.uk
National Mass for Altar Servers in Westminster Cathedral
The National Mass for Altar Servers will take place on Saturday 21st October 2017 in Westminster Cathedral at 2.30 pm. Servers should bring their vestments to the Cathedral Hall, Ambrosden Avenue (entrance by rear door) and be ready to process into the Cathedral by 2 pm.
Parish Visit Tuesday 19th September
We will be visiting the newly-built church in North Finchley, a tiny gem built of wood in Eastern European style. It is the church of the Belorussian rite and fully part of the Catholic Church. Fr Serge will show us round the church and library, answer questions and provide tea and biscuits. Open to all. Meet in the church car park at 2.15 pm and hopefully we will have enough car spaces to take everybody. If taking a car please tell Fr Terry.
Walk With Me
From Marie Saba, Communications Office, Diocese of Westminster writes: A workshop for Catholic parents and other family members of LGBT people, on Sat. 23 Sept., organised by the LGBT Catholics Westminster Younger Adults Group, with input from the Chaplain, Mgr. Keith Barltrop. Pre-booking is required. Further details will be provided on registration:
http://www.lgbtcatholicsyag.org.uk/workshop-2017 A poster is displayed in the Church porch.
Educare Safeguarding On Line Training
Educare training programmes can help individuals familiarise themselves with safeguarding matters. Amongst others, it also includes The Child Exploitation and Online Safety programme which helps better understand how children and young people use technology and the associated risks. It is available to all parishioners. Please see the poster on the notice board at the back of the church for further information.
Marriage Care volunteers needed
Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage preparation and relationship counselling services through 50 centres across England and Wales. Our centre for Barnet and Enfield needs Marriage Preparation Course Facilitators to present and facilitate marriage preparation courses to small groups of engaged couples (training is provided) and an Administrator to help with the smooth running of the centres services. We are also in need of qualified Relationship Counsellors to deliver relationship counselling. For more information or to apply, please visit: www.marriagecare.org.uk or emailvolunteer@marriagecare.org.uk
New Foundation Degree for Healthcare Ministry
Father Peter Scott, Cardinal’s Advisor for Healthcare Chaplains, Westminster Diocese writes: Starting in October, St Mary’s University Twickenham is pleased to offer a new foundation degree in Healthcare Ethics, Theology and Care. This is a part time two year programme for those seeking to be hospital chaplains and for people working in healthcare settings, from care homes, to hospices and hospitals. If you are interested in applying or finding out more please contact matthew.james@stmarys.ac.uk
Beginning Experience
Charlotte McNerlin, Marriage and Life, Diocese of Westminster writes: There is a healing weekend for men and women who find themselves single again following separation, divorce or the death of a partner from 6th to 8th October 2017 at the Emmaus Centre, West Wickham, Kent. For details please contact Freda 01322-838415 Sandra 01293-783965 or John 01992-642443 email johnabrotherton@hotmail.co.uk
The parish phone was not working on Friday – and at time of writing is till not fixed. Apologies if you were trying to get through and did not succeed.
Pray for the sick esp. Eddie Caddle, John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Simon O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman and Mary Myles.
Parish Collection: Last week’s was £ 1237.74. Many thanks.