Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A)
UPDATE: Building works in the parish grounds: Take care
Because work is still going on (we need to install railings to prevent falls over wall/
fill in small holes in lawn….) until further notice, the pathway between the church and the presbytery and also the lawn areas will remain closed off and cannot be used. We need to ask children not to play on the lawn. Please continue to access the parish centre via the path to the left of the church front door. We ask for and very much appreciate parents’, parishioners’ and everyone’s continuing patience and cooperation in this matter. We will keep you updated! Many thanks.
This weekend
Fr Leo Edgar of the Dominicans will preach and celebrate at all Masses this weekend, to ask your support in a second collection for the work of the Dominican order, particularly for its apostolate in the Caribbean. Do make him welcome.
Parish Collection: Last week’s was £ 1520.39. Many thanks.
First Communion Celebration
Many congratulations to the 31 children making their First Holy Communion who made their first communion last weekend. It was a splendid occasion. Our thanks are due to Sandra and her team who worked so hard throughout the year and also for the special occasion itself. The music was wonderful, and the flowers beautifully arranged. On behalf of the whole parish, heartfelt thanks to all those who made ist such a special day. Please join our parish celebration with a special cake today, 21st May, after 10 am Mass in the parish centre.
St Mary’s New Testament Quiz
Who was the short man who climbed a tree to see Jesus? Who said “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof”? Take our New Testament quiz, find out & win some exciting book prizes. Take all three quizzes this term and you could win vouchers for Nando’s / Hollywood Bowl / Vue Cinema!
Follow the instructions below or pick up a paper copy of the quiz from the back of the church. Open to children and adults, deadline: 4th June 2017.
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the game code 651388 and click "Proceed"
3. Enter your first and last name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin.
Next INCENSED Youth Group (ages 10 - 18)
Join us on 28th May at 11 am in the community room (Father Terry’s house) for half-term games, fellowship and chat. New people always welcome, ages 10+. Sandra,
RIP Sr Sheila
Sister Sheila of the La Sagesse sisters died on the 6th May. She was part of a small community of sisters who lived in King Street at the corner with Church Lane. She was a quiet and supportive friend to many parishioners, in semi-retirement after a lifetime of teaching as a religious sister. Her body will be received into St Joseph’s Church, Romsey, Hampshire, on Monday 22nd May at 5 pm, and the funeral Mass will be Tuesday 23rd May at 2.30 pm. The church is adjacent to the Wisdom Centre, postcode SO51 8EL. As you come to the Town Square, (the roundabout with a statue) past Nero’s Coffee Shop and Nat West Bank, cross the road at Bell Street and walk past the Town Hall. Continue towards the arch-way and the United Reformed Church on your left. Walk under the arch for about 200 m and the entrance to Wisdom Centre and church is on your left.
Grange Big Local – Open Spaces Survey
Grange Big Local has appointed Space and Place Design to produce an open space and environment strategy. Please fill in a survey for what you would like or need in the area. If you fill in a paper copy available from the porch at the back of the church please return it to the Parish Office by 31st May 2017 or fill it in online at
New Eucharistic Minister and Reader Rotas
The new rotas and lists from May 28th 2017 to 15th October 2017 are on display on the doors leading into the church. Many thanks.
Rosary Devotion to Our Lady for the Month of May – The Legion of Mary
The Rosary will be said in homes and in Church during the month of May.
Tuesday 23rd May Audrey Kao 40 Queens Road at 3 pm.
Wednesday 24th May In Church after 10 am Mass.
Thursday 25th May Annette O’Gorman 29 Elmshurst Avenue at 4 pm
Friday 26th May Agnes Day 54 Squires Lane at 3 pm.
All are welcome.
Nazareth House Summer Fete – Saturday June 10th 2017
Nazareth House is having its Summer Fete from 2 – 5 pm on Saturday 10th June 2017. Entrance £1, concessions free. There will be lots of fun things to do including music, BBQ, tombola, raffle, children’s games and much more.
Address: 162 East End Road, East Finchley, N2 0RU. Tel: 020 8883 1104
Election Hustings Tuesday 23 May, 7.30 pm
Alyth Synagogue NW11 7EN, in conjunction with the London Jewish Forum and Jewish News, is hosting an election hustings for the Finchley and Golders Green Parliamentary Constituency. They welcome members of Churches Together in Finchley. All the candidates have been invited to the hustings and the following have confirmed their attendance: Jonathan Davies (Liberal Democrat), Mike Freer (Conservative), Jeremy Newmark (Labour) and Adele Ward (Green). We are welcome to submit questions for the candidates. Please register at
Pope’s World Day of Prayer for China – 24th May 2017
The Pope’s World Day of Prayer for China takes place on 24th May 2017 – there are prayer cards available at the back of the church. Please do take one.
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead
The Consolata Fathers are holding a Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation, West Grimstead on Saturday 17th June 2017. It is an opportunity to visit the 17th Century secret Chapel – a time when priests celebrated Holy Mass under fear of death. The cost is £25 per person and includes coach, lunch, teas, coffees and soft drinks. To book: please make cheques payable to Consolata Fathers dated 1st May 2017 and post with details to The Superior, Consolata Fathers, 3 Salisbury Avenue, London N3 3AJ. Please book early – cheques not banked until 1st May. For further details, contact Stella Devlin on 0208 445 3099.
SPEC gap year opportunities
Over 18 and planning a gap year? Join us for a year at the Westminster Youth Ministry retreat centre as a volunteer missionary, supporting schools and parishes of our diocese. Develop skills to help you with your future career, and grow in your Catholic faith. to find out more, visit
Coach Outing to St Albans
Churches Together in Finchley will not be organising a pilgrimage this year. However Christ Church Finchley is having a coach outing St Albans on 16th June and would welcome people from other churches to help them fill the coach. The cost is £8 with an additional £6 if people want a conducted tour of the Abbey. The coach will be leaving at 10 am from Christ Church. For more details and booking contact Steve Adams on 07786076087.
Adult Faith Formation Events – Christian Mindfulness II – Putting it into Practice
Ausra Cane, Agency for Evangelisation writes: Fr Michael Heap M.Afr. will explore mindfulness in practise with time for personal reflection at the Niland Conference Centre, Rosary Priory, 93 Elstree Road, Bushey, Herts WD23 4EE on Wednesday 24th May from 10 am to 3 pm. Suggested donation: £14. Please bring a packed lunch; teas and coffees are provided (available from 9.30 am) Registration is required. Please register at or call to our automated service at 0207 931 6078 and leave your contact details.
Christian Meditation Group
There is a Christian Meditation Group in Nazareth House, 162 East End Road, every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am – after the 10 am Mass.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – Volunteers required
The Diocesan Piligrimage is once again looking to recruit volunteers to help on this summer’s pilgrimage. If you are over 18, your help would be very much appreciated as a St Frai Helper. The role is to support the nurses and provide the sort of care for which you don’t need a medical qualification. You must be fit, able and keen to help. The dates of the pilgrimage are departure on Sunday 23rd July and return on Saturday 29th July. If you are interested in helping and would like further information on what is required, please e mail chief helpers Nick Leonard and team at
Volunteering – make a difference with CAFOD
Tony Sheen, CAFOD Westminster Volunteer Centre writes: Could you help CAFOD and inspire others to act for social justice, and use your skills to help our sisters and brothers working to overcome poverty around the globe? Are you a people person who would relish involving and encouraging others in your local area? Or maybe you are a good communicator who would enjoy speaking in churches or in schools? To find out more, please get in touch with us on or 020 8449 6970 or book a place on the Understanding CAFOD information session on Saturday 20th May near Waterloo.
Brightlights Young Adult Festival Weekend at Alton Castle
The Brightlights Organising Committee writes: Brightlights is an annual event for Catholic young adults (ages 16-30) taking place 23rd – 26th June in the beautiful grounds of Alton Castle in Staffordshire. There will be speakers, workshops, drama, prayer, Reconciliation, Mass and live music from artists including One Hope Project and Guvna B. It is a place where young adults can discover more about themselves, others and God in a safe and relaxed environment and share faith and experiences with others of the same age-group and outlook. To find out more information or book tickets and a coach space visit or call 0300 075 0115.
Marriage Care volunteers needed
Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage preparation and relationship counselling services through 50 centres across England and Wales.
Our centre for Barnet and Enfield is in need of Marriage Preparation Course Facilitators to present and facilitate marriage preparation courses to small groups of engaged couples (training is provided) and an Administrator to help with the smooth running of the centres services. We are also in need of qualified Relationship Counsellors to deliver relationship counselling. For more information or to apply, please visit: or
Pray for the sick esp. John & Carmel Bates, Cathy Walker, Finola Hickey, Kelly-Marie O’Donnell, Pat Gleeson, Annette O’Gorman.