1st Sunday of Lent (Year B) 21st February 2021
Sun 21st Feb - 1st Sunday of Lent
10 am Edward Doran, anniversary
11.30 am Kathleen Connolly, anniversary
Mon 22nd Feb - The Chair of St Peter the Apostle
7pm The Akaoli family, special intentions
Tues 23rd Feb - Lent feria
10am People of the Parish
Weds 24th Feb NO MASS
Thurs 25thh Feb - Lent feria
7pm Marge and Gerry Ward, intentions
Fri 26th Feb - Lent Feria
10 am Funeral Mass for Joanie Evans RIP
Sat 27th Feb - 2nd Sunday of Lent
5pm Daniel and Margaret Clifford.
Please pray for the sick and those who care for them, today especially for the frail elderly and for those who work as carers.
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: Michael O Boy, Lilian Murphy, and Danusia Lissowski – all unwell at this time.
We continue our prayers for all healthcare professionals, care home workers, those working in the community and all those with the coronavirus.
Sadly there will be a number of funerals in St Mary’s over the next few weeks. Please remember these special people in your prayers and pray for their families.
Friday 26th February.
10am: Requiem Mass for Joan Evans RIP
Friday 5th March
2pm: Requiem Mass for Daniel Clifford RIP
Monday 8th March:
12:30pm: Requiem Mass for Rebecca Hynes RIP
Monday 15th March:
10am: Requiem Mass for John Joseph Ryan RIP
Friday 19th March:
10am: Requiem Mass for Edward Reeks RIP
One further Requiem Mass has yet to be confirmed for Maura Rowland McNamara RIP.
Due to Covid regulations only those invited by the deceased’s family are allowed to attend, but all Requiem Masses will be streamed via www.saintmarys.online with the family’s prior agreement.
Streamed Masses for this week:
Sunday, 10am Mass, and Friday 10am Mass will be streamed for those shielding at home. You can access the streaming service via www.saintmarys.online
All Masses would benefit from some extra stewards - duties include welcoming and seating parishioners and helping to clean pews. Please email finchleyeast@rcdow.org.uk if you would like to join the present gallant crew. ”
Fr Peter writes: As you know, due to parish financial pressures, the wonderful Holly has been furloughed. For now, there will be no children’s liturgies streamed on Sunday morning and all First Holy Communion and Confirmation enquiries must be directed to me.
Financial Support for St Mary’s
Ways to financially support St Mary’s during the pandemic are further down this newsletter.
First Celebrity Priest Lent Talk:
On Tuesday 23rd February at 7:30pm our first Celebrity Priest will lead St Mary’s in a reflection via the Streaming Service…www.saintmarys.online.
Our first celebrity priest is an international writer, has a remarkable interest in Russian, British and Turkish disputes and his family were trendsetters in using non-gender garments. He is used by many priests as a spiritual director and is an excellent preacher. He will talk to us, via the streaming service, on almsgiving.
Some Lent reads….
1. “Let us Dream: The Path to a Better Future.” Pope Francis.
2. “Oh God Why” by Gerard Hughes
3. “Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone” by James Martin SJ.
4. “The Way of Ignatius: A Prayer Journey through Lent” by Gemma Simmonds.
5. “At Home in Lent: An exploration of Lent through 46 objects” by Giles Gordon.
6. “Inside the Hospice” by Fr Peter–Michael Scott. Available from St Paul’s Publications on 1st March
Lent Prayers:
Fr Peter writes: “During Lent I am going to re-introduce the practice of placing the names of those we wish to pray for during Lent on the wooden panels behind the tabernacle. Please email or hand in to the presbytery the names of those you wish to be prayed for.”
Let us remember: Hands, Face, Space and Ventilation
Winter Dress Code – come to Mass dressed as if it was an outside Mass.
Continue with effective hand hygiene; hand washing or sanitising facilities.
Face coverings should be worn at all Masses to cover nose and mouth.
2 m remains the government guidance for social distancing;
People who do not live together should maintain 2 m socially distanced from each other.
All windows and doors must remain open
Ways to financially support St. Mary’s:
You can donate by credit or debit card via our Diocesan website: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/finchleyeast/donate/
If asked to add a reference, please use ‘Collection’.
If you would like to donate on a regular monthly basis, please consider setting up a standing order via your bank. Contact the parish office on 0208 883 4234 or finchleyeast@rcdow,org.uk to obtain a form.
You can arrange a bank transfer, either online or in person at the bank. Please instruct your bank to use the following as a reference:
Your surname and your initials, followed by the word “Collection”
e.g. Smith J. – Collection
St Mary’s bank account details are as follows:
Account Name: WRCDT – Finchley East
Sort Code:40-05-20
Account Number:71265733
A Just Giving page has been set up for St. Mary’s. You can donate by going to the following link and clicking on “Make a donation”:
Cheques should be made out to “WRCDT – Finchley East” and can be posted to the parish office at: 279 High Road, East Finchley, N2 8HG
-or dropped through the presbytery letterbox with a note saying “Offertory Collection”