1st Sunday of Lent 18.02.2024
Sun 18th Feb
8.30am Holy Souls
10am. Gilbert and Carmene Sarthal, intentions
12 noon A private intention
Mon 19th Feb Lent Feria
10 am Tony and Olive Murphy and family, intentions
Tues 20th Feb Lent Feria
10am People of the Parish
Weds 21st Feb NO MASS
Thurs 22nd Feb The Chair of St Peter the Apostle
10am Bernard and Margaret Looney, intentions
Fri 23rd Feb Lent Feria
Sarthal and Balguy family, intentions
Sat 24th Feb Second Sunday of Lent
5 pm Father Mark Leenane, RIP
Saturday 10 am – 11am; 4.30pm – 5pm: Confessions and Exposition
Your Prayers:
Let us keep in our prayers: King Charles III and all those suffering from Cancer, Michael O’Boy, Christina Cahill, Eric Nicholas Darwent, Therese Kemp, Bina, Noel, Jose Luis Pérez, Alice, Karina McKiernan, Jonathan Heller and Izabela Lissowska – all unwell at this time. We also pray for: Marjorie Reid, Luis Goncalves, Sean Duffy, Iride Villa, John O Shea, Raffaella Di Trolio and Mercedes Bahillo whose anniversaries occur at this time or have died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Offertory Collections
The offertory collection for the week ending 11th February it was £ 723.76 Many thanks for your generosity.
Pilgrimage to Assisi:
Fr Peter writes: “The April Pilgrimage to Assisi is now full, we have reached our quota of parishioners. I will call a meeting for those going very soon, in the meantime pilgrims should complete and return booking formswith deposit either to Northern Star or to me…..asap!”
The return of The Men’s Group!
The “Men’s Group” makes a return in Lent at 9am on Saturday 2nd March. This time, Fr Peter will provide tea, coffee and fruit juices and participants are invited to bring “breakfasts to share”. The theme will be Lent and how it has been practiced down the ages!
Stations of the Cross:
Beginning Friday 23rd of February, Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in the church every Friday after the 10am Mass
CAFOD Family Fast Day – Friday 23rd February 2024
There will be second collections at all Masses on the weekend of 24th and 25th February 2024 for CAFOD Family Fast Day.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Lent Prayer Group:
Every Tuesday morning during Lent, Fr Peter will lead a 20-minute prayer workshop for staff and parents of Our Lady of Lourdes School, and for parishioners of St Mary’s. The prayer group will begin at 8:15am at Our Lady of Lourdes School in Bow Lane. If you want a lift with Fr Peter please be in the parish car park by 8:00am
Vocations Days: 'Come and See'
Men who are interested in exploring vocations to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate are invited to come along to the Vocations Team’s 'Come & See' Vocations Mornings on Saturday 16th March, 10am-2pm at Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN;
To find out more and to register attendance at one of the days, please contact: Canon Roger Taylor, Vocations Promoter, at: rogertaylor@rcdow.org.uk or Deacon Adrian Cullen, Director Permanent Diaconate at: adriancullen@rcdow.org.uk or call 07961 594725.
Thank you:
Grateful thanks to Gertie Brownes for providing wine for Sunday’s Senior Citizens Lunch
St Mary’s Lent Course 2024 – beginning 19th February
Will You Follow Jesus to Calvary?
Filmed on location in the Holy Land, No Greater Love is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. Best-selling author Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ’s life.
You will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. Every step of the way, Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love for you—grow closer to Jesus than you ever have before.
We will walk with Jesus every Monday evening at 7:30pm during Lent in the Parish Centre. Use the “sign-up sheet” at the back of the church if you would like to attend.
Do you want to walk with Jesus?
St Mary’s Census Weekend – 24th & 25th February.
Fr Peter writes: “St Mary’s has not had a parish census for a very long time! On the second Sunday of Lent you will be asked to fill in a form detailing your contact information which can be added or help to amend the parish database. All information you provide will come under the strict protective measures of the “Diocesan Data Protection Policy”. Please make sure you attend Mass the weekend of 24th & 25th of February – a date for the diary!
Get Ready to Listen and have Your Say in the Synod Process after all Masses on 2nd & 3rd of March